Akdeniz Üniversitesi

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The M.A. European Studies Hamburg-Antalya is a joint master’s programme by Akdeniz and Hamburg University.

The two-year programme prepares graduates for professional employment in a wide range of areas. These include scientific political consulting and administration of nongovernmental organisations, trade unions, industrial and employers’ associations, but also European and international organisations, ministerial bureaucracies and transnational corporations.

The first year of study is spent at Akdeniz University. During the third semester, students either study at Hamburg University or at any other European university with which Akdeniz University holds an Erasmus exchange agreement.

The M.A. European Studies Hamburg-Antalya is financially supported by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) and BMBF (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research).

Page Summary: Euromaster Programı

Abstract: EuroMaster- Antalya
